In seinem Fachbeitrag stellt Dr. Thomas Prexl neue Ideen für die Weiterentwicklung der Startfinanzierung im Biotech-Bereich vor: Die Biotech-Szene in Deutschland wächst kontinuierlich, dennoch bleibt die Finanzierung klinischer Studien eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe. Deshalb setzen Heidelberg und die Rhein-Neckar-Region einen neuen Schwerpunkt auf die Frühphasenfinanzierung translationaler Forschung. Wie eine solche Finanzierung aussehen kann?
Lesen Sie den gesamten Artikel. Dem Wunsch nach Internationalität in Biotech- und Finanzwelt entsprechend sowie angelehnt an die Sprache beim Biotech Investors Day am Montag, 8. April 2019, erscheint diese Ausgabe in Englisch.
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In der englischsprachigen Fachzeitschrift finden Sie folgende Inhalte:
- Editorial Dare! Introduction 6 Invest in Biotech! Challenges and opportunities (Page 3)
- Venture capital and the capital market are key The German biotech industry and its policies – challenges and possible solutions (Page 10)
- “When it comes to drugs, artificial intelligence is highly interesting” Tech Talk – Interview with Dr Werner Lanthaler, Evotec (Page 14)
- “The English language is an integral part of capital market communication” Interview with Marlen Schrader, Member of the Management Board and Chief Sales Officer, EnglishBusiness Legal (Page 16)
- Chinese investments in the European biotechnology sector Overcoming challenges in cross-border collaborations Peter Homberg, Dentons (Page 18)
- A full spectrum of options Managing your patent portfolio to satisfy investors’ expectations Dr Andrea Schüßler, Huber & Schuessler Case Study (Page 20)
- Added benefits through combinability Vira Therapeutics GmbH: Immunotherapy for cancer treatment (Page 22)
- Who is Who in Life Sciences 3 industry players introduce themselves Financing (Page 24)
- “The convergence of biotech and big data will have a strong impact on medicine” Interview with Dr Holger Reithinger, Forbion (Page 26)
- New Visions! In North Rhine-Westphalia, business angels are playing an increasingly important role in financing biotech start-ups (Page 28)
- Beyond Imagination Exploring the value that M Ventures brings to the start-up ecosystem Therese Liechtenstein, PhD, M Ventures (Page 30)
- New funding concepts for translational projects Heidelberg and the RhineNeckar region are working on new ideas for biotech startup funding Dr Thomas Prexl, Heidelberg Startup Partners (Page 32)
- “Risks and decisions are more readily taken, generally speaking” Interview with Dr Alexander Schuth, Denali Therapeutics Capital Market & Investment (Page 34)
- Another record year for US Biotech IPOs When will Europe join the party? Dr Marcus Wieprecht, MainFirst Bank (Page 36)
- “The topic of IPOs is and will remain an interesting option for financing company growth” Interview with Sebastian Grabert, Euronext (Page 38)
- Headwinds in European healthcare? Silicon Valley Bank’s Nooman Haque on the 2019 outlook for Life Science Nooman Haque, Silicon Valley Bank’s UK Branch Service 42 Partners’ portraits (Page 40)
- Event calendar (Page 44)
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