The team at Heidelberg Technology Park GmbH wishes you and your loved ones Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2024!
Furthermore, we want to say thank you for the joint work, valuable cooperations and partnerships, successful events and get-togethers, and important contributions. We are looking forward to a successfull and exciting upcoming year 2024.
Your team at Heidelberg Technology Park GmbH
Dr. André H.R. Domin, Dr. Thomas Prexl, Julia Niederbühl, Roland Hoffmann, Bernhard Hartmann, Moritz Schindler, Stefan Weigandt, Angelika Habecker, Paul Becker, Markus Bühler, Cansu Cak, Mathis Palm, Clara Jassoy, Samira Höhn, Chelina Höning, Melissa Jung