Shift Medical 2020", the largest online congress for Medical XR in Europe, is taking place from 24-26 September. The event website recently went online at In addition to the congress programme, it also provides a link to order tickets. It's worth stopping by!
"XR" stands for "Cross Reality" or "Extented Reality" and includes all technologies that expand the real world and combine it with virtual elements. "Shift Medical" brings together leading players in the XR healthcare industry to present and discuss trends, innovations and visions in this field.
The event is supported by the Heidelberg Technology Park, Heidelberg Startup Partners and the University of Heidelberg. "We are very pleased to be part of Shift Medical as a cooperation partner," says Thomas Prexl, Managing Director of Heidelberg Startup Partners and head of the start-up office at Heidelberg Technology Park. "Virtual reality (VR) is, along with artificial intelligence (AI), an important future technology for medicine and healthcare. We are happy to drive the success of this exciting congress with the help of our network."